Hello everyone!
The AUA annual conference is one of the largest urology conferences in the world, with more than 16,000 participants from over 100 countries attending the conference. The conference moves around every year, and this year, it was at McCormick Place in Chicago.
As with all conferences of this size, in addition to the academic sessions that participants attend, there is also an exhibition hall where global pharmaceutical companies, medical device companies, associations, etc. set up to promote and sell their products and services, and this is where we spent a majority of our time.
"AUA는 매년 16,000명이 참여하는 미국 비뇨기학회로 여러 나라의 비뇨기과 의사들이 연구한 결과를 발표하는 학술 세션 외에도 글로벌 제약 회사, 세계적인 의료 기기 회사들이 제품 홍보나 판매하는 대규모 전시장이 마련되어있습니다."
So, what were we doing at the conference?
We were there to promote recently launched PRIVY by Soundable Health(https://www.soundablehealth.com). Soundable Health is a start-up that provides sound-based digital health solutions, and PRIVY, is a mobile app they developed that does sound-based urine flow monitoring. During the conference, many physicians showed interest in the app, even those from outside of the US, where it had not launched yet.
PRIVY captures the sound of urine hitting the toilet water using your smartphone’s microphone, and then analyzes that sound to determine how much you urinated and the rate of your urine flow, among other things. This information helps doctors to diagnose and manage urinary diseases.
Below you can see some pictures of our booth and of the Enzaim & Soundable team engaging global physicians.
And one nice surprise was that Tesla was at the conference too with their new Model X, and right next to our booth.
Most of the physicians who visited were very interested in PRIVY as it was a new technology with a lot of potential. There were some minor hiccups along the way, but we were able to talk to number conference attendees over the course of the conference and many of them ended up downloading and trying out the app. It was great pleasure get the opportunity to talk with physicians worldwide and introduce PRIVY.
"이번 2019 AUA는 엔자이머들도 참여를 했는데요. 그 이유는 바로 최근에 미국에 런칭한 PRIVY라는 ‘소리로 배뇨를 측정’하는 앱을 홍보하기 위해서였습니다. PRIVY는 Soundable Health(https://www.soundablehealth.com)라는 사운드 기반의 디지털 헬스 솔루션을 제공하는 스타트업 기업이 출시한 모바일 앱으로, AUA 학회기간 미국뿐만 아니라 캐나다, 유럽, 남미 등 전세계 의사들의 관심을 한 몸에 받았습니다!
PRIVY는 스마트 폰의 마이크를 사용하여 변기 물에 떨어지는 소변의 소리를 녹음하여 배뇨량과 속도 등을 분석해주는 앱입니다. 앱을 통해 생성된 정보들은 의사가 환자들을 진단하거나 관리하는데 유용하게 사용될 수 있습니다. 또한 환자들도 배뇨 건강을 꾸준히 집에서 관리할 수 있다는 점에서 의사 그리고 환자 모두에게 도움이 되는 앱입니다."
We were also able to sample some of the great beer and food available in Chicago. If you’re ever in Chicago, take advantage of all the incredible things this city has to offer, if you can.
A special thanks to Soundable Health and the PRIVY team for making all of this possible!
Download PRIVY now!
지금 구글 플레이스토어와 애플스토어에서 다운 받으세요!
구글 플레이스토어
🇰🇷한국: PRIVY Android_KR
🇰🇷한국: PRIVY App_KR
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