이번에는 깐느 라이온 어워드에서 상을 받은 뉴질랜드 케이스를 소개합니다. 치료가 불가능한 이 질환을 널리 알리기 위해 온라인 판매 사이트를 활용한 케이스입니다. 몸이 점차 굳어가면서 사용할 수 없는 물건을 하나씩 팔게 된 사연을 살펴보시죠!
Last month, the Cannes Lions Awards winders were announced, so I’d like to share one of winners from the Health and Wellness category. David’s Unusables was campaign aimed at raising awareness of motor neuron disease (MND) in New Zealand. The motor neurons are nerve cells that control the muscles of your body, which allow you to move. MND is a group of similar diseases that affect the motor neurons, causing the affecter person to experience muscle weakness, which get worse over time until they lose control of their muscles completely, leading to death.
In New Zealand, awareness of MND is low. Agency Special New Zealand worked with Motor Neuron Disease New Zealand and Trade Me, an online auction site which is New Zealand’s version of eBay to create the David’s Unusables campaign. They recruited David Seymour, a New Zealander with MND, and created a store on Trade Me called David’s Unusables. The store sold items that David used in his daily life, but became unusable to him because of MND. It created a digital timeline of his disease progression. Items included David’s running shoes, his guitar, and his leash for his dog. Each item listing told the story about how MND had affected David’s life.
The campaign reached 25% of New Zealanders, and in addition to the awareness it built, proceeds from the auctioned items were donated to charity. I would normally provide a link to the Cannes Lions page with more campaign info, but unfortunately, it appears that a paid subscription is required to view those pages. Instead, here are a couple links to other pages with more info about the campaign, including a video summary.
David’s Unusables | D&AD Awards 2022 Pencil Winner | Health & Wellbeing | D&AD
* 이 콘텐츠는 엔자임헬스에서 영문 컨설팅을 담당하고 있는 찰리 매니저가 작성해주고 있습니다. 메디컬 닥터 출신인 찰리 매니저는 다양한 국내외 헬스케어 프로젝트 컨설팅에 참여하면서 독자적으로 국내 닥터들의 영어 프레젠테이션, 논문 리뷰를 진행하는 '닥터 잉글리시' 프로그램을 운영 중에 있습니다.
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